Notes From The Soul

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Love * In * Full * Expression

I’ve always felt that the meaning of the word L*I*F*E
is contained within the word ‘life’ itself, as this acronym so
beautifully expresses.

(this came to me in a flash of inspiration
one evening while gazing at the wonder
of our Universe in a sky filled with stars)

Think about it. When we let go of our concerns, our fears,
our self-limiting beliefs, our walls and just connect
purely to ourselves, each other and to life – what’s left?…


And when we no longer wait for permission to
BE love and to live from that place and give it freely –
when we no longer wait till circumstances are just right
and ‘then we’ll let ourselves love’ but rather,
LOVE from the get-go, love despite whatever
may be coming back at you…

Then its from THAT place that we have the power
to transform others, transform our environment
and ultimately, to transform ourselves.

Take this approach with you whenever you stand
in front of groups, clients or when doing your social media videos.

LOVE whomever you’re talking to – not waiting to see
if they like you first or ‘if its alright’ (and this includes
even when looking into the lens of your webcam or flipvideo).

Take a stand and BE the love first and
watch what a difference it makes.

We create our reality from who we’re BE-ING –
not from figuring things out first, or from
manipulating facts and figures, or trying to get it right,
nor from a defensive place.

When you truly trust, let go and dare to stand
in the LOVE of who you are and emanate that
to all those around you – that’s when you’re FULLY alive
and that’s when life rushes back to you in full bloom.

I’ve transformed seemingly hopeless audiences
who were cranky, tired, dare I say, angry, even,
with them not wanting to be there – to having
them on fire, hopeful, excited and on their feet.

The seemingly impossible is possible when we
take a stand and hold that truth of who we are
while sharing all of ourselves.

I wish for you a L*I*F*E filled with love, with joy
for what each moment brings and with wonder
for the miracle of this gift of life we’ve all been blessed with.

Take a moment right now, literally just 5 minutes
(you know you can spare at least 5 minutes, right?)…

Take a step back from the crazy swirl… Breathe…

And just tune into your heart, tune into whatever is around you
– even if you’re feeling some challenges right now –
just be with it, let yourself face it, tune into it
without judgment.

And now, feel love embracing all of it. Infuse it with love,
infuse the view outside your window with love, infuse those
around you with love, imagine a gold light
beginning inside your heart and expanding and growing
and radiating outward to everything around you.

Feel that connection, tune into all that’s there and
do your best to continue moving forward the rest
of your day from THIS place.

I promise you, that even with the same circumstances,
same environment, same people – it will feel different,
it will be more vibrant and effortless and your moments
will flow, when we allow THIS to be the place we lead from.

Marianne Williamson said:

“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves
to recognize how good things really are”

Today I wish for you JOY – for when we’re connecting
to that real core meaning of L*I*F*E, we are able to access our joy.

Here’s to your Love In Full Expression,


PS If this inspired you, please feel free to pass this along (pay it forward) and please take a moment to post here what has YOU feel alive – and also any thoughts on what’s been shared here. Hearing from you is treasured…

I’m excited to share my new WOW Video Teaser with you!

(its FUN, check it out…):

I just yesterday used this as my intro for when I spoke to a big network marketing company – they LOVED it and it set up a powerful anticipation for my presentation.

YOU, too, can create intriguing and exciting videos like this as well –

Whether to use to promote on the internet, share who you are, as a memorable gift to a friend, you name it.

And when it comes to an intro for when you’re going to speak – this is IMPORTANT! – you ALWAYS want to come at it from the perspective of what your audience or group will be coming away with from what you’ll be sharing (far more than some endless droning on of past resume credentials).

PLUS, to have a VIDEO intro is FAR more compelling than someone reading your bio before you come on (especially when most people doing the introductions are not well trained in that regard and simply don’t do you justice).

And if you’re promoting an event or meeting – create one of these (which takes less than an hour’s time) will really call to people to check out what you’re up to.

THIS way, with video, creates excitement and anticipation and its so SIMPLE to create!


Just go to:

Choose a template and start entering your video clips, text,

images and whatever else you want to create YOUR video.

(you can have a F*REE account for 30 second videos – and to create videos longer than that there’s an ever so teeny charge for the year – its WORTH it, though!)

Hope that helps and please give me your feedback, I welcome it!

Also – please send me or post what YOU create as well as I’d love to see

what you come up with…

To your Fearless, Authentic Success!!


I recently got the opportunity to meet Nick Vujicic –
a man born with no arms and no legs.

You may have seen his viral youtube video that makes
even the toughest skinned soul shed a tear for how inspiring he is.

see here:

I had long ago seen this video and others and marveled at his spirit.

I was inspired by his focus on the beauty in life and on
what he could do if he set his mind to it, not on
whatever ‘disabililty’ he might have.

Then, to my delight, last week, I got the opportunity to spend some
quality time with him, sitting RIGHT NEXT to him, watching how he
checked his phone for texts (using his toe that is attached to
a kind of floppy foot that comes out of his hips, which he uses like a
hand) and how he whipped around in his styled out
wheelchair that must be the mazerati of all wheelchairs.

Seeing how free and agile he was despite no limbs is inspiring enough
(he even surfs on his own, on top of a number of other achievements).

But what struck me MOST was, what I’ll call, his ‘BEING-NESS’.

He has a level of peace about him that instantly grounds you. He
radiates love and he also is one dude that does NOT take himself
seriously as he is quick to make many a quip in a surprising second
throughout the conversation.

He magnetized me with his steady, caring gaze and this ‘BEING’
that was so present, so alive and just emanating gratitude.

What I got at a deeper level than ever before was the power of
who we are when we let down all our walls, our limiting beliefs,
our negative voices about ourselves and others and instead,
just BE, just ALLOW and just drink in the moment with love.

I have to say, if I were a younger woman, I’d even be interested
in going out with him!!! (he’s 28) THAT’S how magnetizing
and beautiful a soul he is.

So when we look in the mirror and we see a body that we think needs to
lose weight, or hair that’s falling out or wrinkles beginning to show,
or any other host of details that we let ourselves judge our worth
by, how about taking a moment to step back and remember what
really counts?

That it literally has NOTHING to do with our ‘outside’ –
when our ‘inside’ is in alignment, when who we are comes out
in full expression. When we let our soul speak for who we are
and what we’re about, rather than any externals.

The same happens with SPEAKING.

We may think its the externals of the words, or the gestures, or
the outline or our appearance that’s making the impact
with the audience, but in the end, its truly our SOULS
that are doing the REAL connecting.

So if you lead with your SOUL when you speak to an audience, a client,
the camera – or even, with someone sitting across from you at lunch –
THAT’S when you make the most impact and have the opportunity
to truly connect at the deepest level.

So, to NICK, I am forever grateful for the amazing example he is
of the power of BEING – and I invite you all to embrace that
for yourselves as well.

There’s such FREEDOM in that.

(not much to worry about after all now, is there?…)

With love and peace,


To see a pic of Nick and I – hop on over to the

Facebook Fan page

– its right there on the wall –

(please hit ‘like’ while you’re there and share your thoughts

and join in on the conversation! – Thank you!)


Lynn Rose

Empower * Entertain * Enliven

* Powerfully impacting people’s lives by
connecting them to their hearts & inspiring them
to their fullest self-expression *

WOW Factor Trainings

“”Helping entrepreneurs, speakers and professionals
present fearlessly, authentically and powerfully,
*With Out Walls*”

To see VIDEO of Lynn in ACTION & listen/view an interview
with Martin Howey (aka, 3 Billion Dollar Man) around WOW Factor,
please go here:

To see Lynn’s video/site in pre-launch version
around the positive impact of Social Media –
please go here:

Hi my friends and colleagues,

I created this video that’s an excerpt from a longer more
in-depth piece I did for the BraveHeart TV community.

Thought I’d take the summary and pass them on to you to use
as a quick reminder to give yourself on how you can go out there
and WOW ’em with who you are and make powerful impact
when you speak, present, meet with a client or are in the media
(this works in any interaction, actually!)

Absorb and enjoy!:

In this short video I’m sharing what I like to call:
“The 5 Secrets to Powerful Speaking”

(This brief clip was excerpted as the summary from
a longer, more in-depth piece done for BraveHeartTV
and their Core Inner Circle. Its a wonderful community –
you’re welcome to check them out – for more info on THEM go here: )

and if you’d like info on my personalized Hands-on, Speaking Training,
called, The WOW Factor …you know where to go:

Here they are in outline – and do watch the video for the more laid out
explanation within the summary (it’s a laser few minutes):


2. LEAD FROM YOUR CONNECTION – and let everything else follow/flow from there


4. SMILE WHEN YOU TALK (thank you Andy Andrews for that confirmation)


The video link once again is:

PLEASE share this if you like it –
I appreciate the spreading of the word 🙂

And I LOVE hearing your thoughts. Feel free to comment and
give your feedback, share your thoughts and even expand
on these ideas.

With love,


Lynn Rose

Empower * Entertain * Enliven

* Powerfully impacting people’s lives by
connecting them to their hearts & inspiring them
to their fullest self-expression *

WOW Factor Trainings
“Helping entrepreneurs, speakers
and professionals speak from a REAL and dynamic place,
giving them power and freedom to
WOW their audiences/clients/media every time”

Alex Karis has a group on Facebook called “Hurricane of Gratitude” – all focused on real sharing of gratitude.

He asked that I create a video around gratitude and post it.  I happened to have my little dog, Cody, on my lap when we shot this and he just stole the show – so aligned with the message, too in how he reacts.  FUN!…

So, please check out this video (feel free to share it and pass it around).  It created a huge response on Facebook and obviously is a message, that though simple, is dearly needing to be heard and absorbed in today’s times.

After seeing it, please post here your thoughts on gratitude or what YOU are grateful for.

I’d LOVE to read about it and share with the community.

With my love (and laughter) as always,


I made this video to share about the core concept from Gay Hendrick’s book, “The Big Leap”

WOW what impact it is making on my life and I want to share it with YOU.

Please go to this youtube link to see it:

And share YOUR thoughts,
With love,


Have you ever thought you wanted to do something
but kept waiting until you had all the conditions just right?

Or it kept getting put to the side because it wasn’t a priority,
but yet it was still nudging you almost daily?…

Every time you think about it you get that, “aargh” feeling
and wish you had it done so you could be enjoying it,
using it, whatever the case may be.

This blog is one of a number of things like that in my life.

I am blessed with many opportunities and a full life
but also find that sometimes that means certain things
get overlooked – and sometimes those little things that,
in the end, are far bigger than we think.

“Notes From The Soul” has been something
I’ve been meaning to do for YEARS!

I get insights I want to share, I have experience
I want to shout to the world, links
I want people to know about – literally,
NOTES from my SOUL that were calling
to be given to the world at large.

But it kept being put to the side because
I didn’t want to just do it in a typical way
(like I just went ahead and did through this popular wordpress site)
but instead to have one that would be
custom-crafted and posted for me – to have guidance
and support in getting it created so I could be sure to ‘get it right’, etc.

On top of that, ‘life’ kept interrupting.
The more immediate needs took priority
and the ‘wouldn’t that be nice’ thought of
having a blog, once again, got put on the shelf.
Waiting for its time, waiting, waiting, waiting…
and creating a constant nudge, a nagging
at the soul, a tugging on the heart.

Finally today I realized that it’s better to dive in
and do it imperfectly than to wait till the
‘perfect’ time and to be done in the ‘perfect’ way.


And believe me, NO blog is world’s less perfect
than a blog that is at least being posted and shared and expressed.

So……..Welcome to my perfectly imperfect and
happy to be here blog, ‘Notes From The Soul’.

Now, literally less than one hour later, its here, and after what
probably translates into thousands of hours over the years
from whence it could have been published…it’s a bit humbling to see.


What is it that has been sitting on your soul’s shelf?

What has been tugging at your attention to get done
or created that you feel called to do but choose to
put to the side in favor of life’s more present urgencies –
or in favor of waiting till more favorable conditions?

How about stopping whatever you’re doing RIGHT NOW
and dedicate an hour towards giving attention to THAT?

See what magic you can create in one focused hour
that will make a difference from this point forward
because it’s finally listening to your heart, it’s finally
acknowledging what you’re being called to bring forth
and it’s allowing it to come out, even if it’s far from perfect.

As Goethe says at the end of his famous quote, “Begin it now”

(see the bottom of this posting for the full quote)

And please leave your comment and share what that is
for you and what you commit to right now.

Give myself, and others who read this, the chance to support you
and to energetically cheer you on.

Even if you can’t do it right this second, then what
can you commit to doing towards it within the next 24 hours?

I can’t wait to hear from you and I thank you from
my heart for your reading and sharing your comments
and for being a part of my realizing this long overdue,
long-awaited-within-my-soul blog.

It’s a never-ending journey of discovery, this life.
I look forward to sharing it with you.

Now, here’s that quote I promised you…Enjoy….

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance
to draw back, always ineffectiveness, concerning all acts
of initiative (and creation).

There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which,
kills countless ideas and splendid plans:
that the moment one definitely commits oneself,
then Providence moves too.

All sorts of things occur to help one that would never
otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues
from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner
of unforeseen incidents and meetings and
material assistance which no man could have dreamed
would have come his way.

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”

~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  • None
  • cliveswersky: In This Week on Alive with Clive, in my Words of Wisdom segment, I referred to this Blog post, which is one of the most beautiful and inspiring Blog p
  • AndrewJohnHeath: Power!!
  • Pam Beall: Thank you, Lynn, for taking time to share your thoughts. I love you dog, too, and I'm grateful for my American Eskimo who looks like she could be Cod
