Notes From The Soul

What I learned from a man with no arms and no legs, but all SOUL…

Posted on: January 26, 2011

I recently got the opportunity to meet Nick Vujicic –
a man born with no arms and no legs.

You may have seen his viral youtube video that makes
even the toughest skinned soul shed a tear for how inspiring he is.

see here:

I had long ago seen this video and others and marveled at his spirit.

I was inspired by his focus on the beauty in life and on
what he could do if he set his mind to it, not on
whatever ‘disabililty’ he might have.

Then, to my delight, last week, I got the opportunity to spend some
quality time with him, sitting RIGHT NEXT to him, watching how he
checked his phone for texts (using his toe that is attached to
a kind of floppy foot that comes out of his hips, which he uses like a
hand) and how he whipped around in his styled out
wheelchair that must be the mazerati of all wheelchairs.

Seeing how free and agile he was despite no limbs is inspiring enough
(he even surfs on his own, on top of a number of other achievements).

But what struck me MOST was, what I’ll call, his ‘BEING-NESS’.

He has a level of peace about him that instantly grounds you. He
radiates love and he also is one dude that does NOT take himself
seriously as he is quick to make many a quip in a surprising second
throughout the conversation.

He magnetized me with his steady, caring gaze and this ‘BEING’
that was so present, so alive and just emanating gratitude.

What I got at a deeper level than ever before was the power of
who we are when we let down all our walls, our limiting beliefs,
our negative voices about ourselves and others and instead,
just BE, just ALLOW and just drink in the moment with love.

I have to say, if I were a younger woman, I’d even be interested
in going out with him!!! (he’s 28) THAT’S how magnetizing
and beautiful a soul he is.

So when we look in the mirror and we see a body that we think needs to
lose weight, or hair that’s falling out or wrinkles beginning to show,
or any other host of details that we let ourselves judge our worth
by, how about taking a moment to step back and remember what
really counts?

That it literally has NOTHING to do with our ‘outside’ –
when our ‘inside’ is in alignment, when who we are comes out
in full expression. When we let our soul speak for who we are
and what we’re about, rather than any externals.

The same happens with SPEAKING.

We may think its the externals of the words, or the gestures, or
the outline or our appearance that’s making the impact
with the audience, but in the end, its truly our SOULS
that are doing the REAL connecting.

So if you lead with your SOUL when you speak to an audience, a client,
the camera – or even, with someone sitting across from you at lunch –
THAT’S when you make the most impact and have the opportunity
to truly connect at the deepest level.

So, to NICK, I am forever grateful for the amazing example he is
of the power of BEING – and I invite you all to embrace that
for yourselves as well.

There’s such FREEDOM in that.

(not much to worry about after all now, is there?…)

With love and peace,


To see a pic of Nick and I – hop on over to the

Facebook Fan page

– its right there on the wall –

(please hit ‘like’ while you’re there and share your thoughts

and join in on the conversation! – Thank you!)


Lynn Rose

Empower * Entertain * Enliven

* Powerfully impacting people’s lives by
connecting them to their hearts & inspiring them
to their fullest self-expression *

WOW Factor Trainings

“”Helping entrepreneurs, speakers and professionals
present fearlessly, authentically and powerfully,
*With Out Walls*”

To see VIDEO of Lynn in ACTION & listen/view an interview
with Martin Howey (aka, 3 Billion Dollar Man) around WOW Factor,
please go here:

To see Lynn’s video/site in pre-launch version
around the positive impact of Social Media –
please go here:

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    • cliveswersky: In This Week on Alive with Clive, in my Words of Wisdom segment, I referred to this Blog post, which is one of the most beautiful and inspiring Blog p
    • AndrewJohnHeath: Power!!
    • Pam Beall: Thank you, Lynn, for taking time to share your thoughts. I love you dog, too, and I'm grateful for my American Eskimo who looks like she could be Cod
