Notes From The Soul

Begin it NOW (your soul is calling…)

Posted on: July 14, 2009

Have you ever thought you wanted to do something
but kept waiting until you had all the conditions just right?

Or it kept getting put to the side because it wasn’t a priority,
but yet it was still nudging you almost daily?…

Every time you think about it you get that, “aargh” feeling
and wish you had it done so you could be enjoying it,
using it, whatever the case may be.

This blog is one of a number of things like that in my life.

I am blessed with many opportunities and a full life
but also find that sometimes that means certain things
get overlooked – and sometimes those little things that,
in the end, are far bigger than we think.

“Notes From The Soul” has been something
I’ve been meaning to do for YEARS!

I get insights I want to share, I have experience
I want to shout to the world, links
I want people to know about – literally,
NOTES from my SOUL that were calling
to be given to the world at large.

But it kept being put to the side because
I didn’t want to just do it in a typical way
(like I just went ahead and did through this popular wordpress site)
but instead to have one that would be
custom-crafted and posted for me – to have guidance
and support in getting it created so I could be sure to ‘get it right’, etc.

On top of that, ‘life’ kept interrupting.
The more immediate needs took priority
and the ‘wouldn’t that be nice’ thought of
having a blog, once again, got put on the shelf.
Waiting for its time, waiting, waiting, waiting…
and creating a constant nudge, a nagging
at the soul, a tugging on the heart.

Finally today I realized that it’s better to dive in
and do it imperfectly than to wait till the
‘perfect’ time and to be done in the ‘perfect’ way.


And believe me, NO blog is world’s less perfect
than a blog that is at least being posted and shared and expressed.

So……..Welcome to my perfectly imperfect and
happy to be here blog, ‘Notes From The Soul’.

Now, literally less than one hour later, its here, and after what
probably translates into thousands of hours over the years
from whence it could have been published…it’s a bit humbling to see.


What is it that has been sitting on your soul’s shelf?

What has been tugging at your attention to get done
or created that you feel called to do but choose to
put to the side in favor of life’s more present urgencies –
or in favor of waiting till more favorable conditions?

How about stopping whatever you’re doing RIGHT NOW
and dedicate an hour towards giving attention to THAT?

See what magic you can create in one focused hour
that will make a difference from this point forward
because it’s finally listening to your heart, it’s finally
acknowledging what you’re being called to bring forth
and it’s allowing it to come out, even if it’s far from perfect.

As Goethe says at the end of his famous quote, “Begin it now”

(see the bottom of this posting for the full quote)

And please leave your comment and share what that is
for you and what you commit to right now.

Give myself, and others who read this, the chance to support you
and to energetically cheer you on.

Even if you can’t do it right this second, then what
can you commit to doing towards it within the next 24 hours?

I can’t wait to hear from you and I thank you from
my heart for your reading and sharing your comments
and for being a part of my realizing this long overdue,
long-awaited-within-my-soul blog.

It’s a never-ending journey of discovery, this life.
I look forward to sharing it with you.

Now, here’s that quote I promised you…Enjoy….

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance
to draw back, always ineffectiveness, concerning all acts
of initiative (and creation).

There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which,
kills countless ideas and splendid plans:
that the moment one definitely commits oneself,
then Providence moves too.

All sorts of things occur to help one that would never
otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues
from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner
of unforeseen incidents and meetings and
material assistance which no man could have dreamed
would have come his way.

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”

~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

13 Responses to "Begin it NOW (your soul is calling…)"



Thank you for inspiring me to begin, however imperfectly, those things I have pushed aside.

Please keep writing!

Thanks Lynn,
It reminds me of a saying that my wife, tells me “the path emerges as you walk it, so walk it. I have been putting off my book for a while but in the next 14 days, I will release it to the world. Thanks for inspiring me. I will have my blog up no later than next Tuesday.

peace and blessings,


Everything unfolds in it’s own perfect time. If we decided the incubation time for every magnificent birth, the “Type A’s” would be having babies in two weeks, max!

I’m so glad that you’re blogging and contributing even more to the world in this format! Your first post was definitely worth waiting for.

Take care,

These were just the right words at just the right time!

Thank you!

Hi Lynn,

Well, okay…I have never been called to do anything other than to sing and write songs. I have yet to make it 100% my full time living because of various and sundry excuses I’ve allowed myself over the years. I also enjoyed blaming other people for my lack of success or allowing others’ opinions to overshadow my own. Details are unnecessary, partially because it’s the longest story EVER and partially because I’m not going to give the lies I’ve told myself any more power.

Your timing is interesting here. I had committed to really working this out this year and I’ve made great strides, but lately I felt myself floundering in the “now what???” place. But yesterday I had a great string of emails w/a mutual friend who gave me great encouragement, ideas and some contacts. I appreciate your blog today as a confirmation that I’m indeed on the right path as well as a reminder that I’ve decided to FINALLY ACCEPT MY CALLING instead of fearing it.

Thank you for your words!

Its so freeing reading from all of you. THANK YOU for sharing, it means so much.

Jacques, can’t wait to hear about YOUR blog – and yes, your book, too.

And Darci, bless you for your open, real sharing of what you’re stepping into. Isn’t it great when we get signs from life and support that affirms the path we’re on.

Keep knowing that and keep being willing to walk in the fire
(I’m doing the same)

You’re AWESOME and wishing you the absolute best – as I wish everyone here.

With love and gratitude, always,


Hi Lynn,

I love it! Congratulations on living into it. Making to move from thought into action into the actual manifestation of your dream is HUGE!!! WooHoo!!!!!

Keep posting girl! Great name for your blog, too… LOVE IT!

I subscribed to your RSS feed… Huge Hugs & Lots of Love… :)CC

P.S. I still smile every time I think of you rocking the house and everybody dancing… From Ali’s birthday party where we first met to Mark Victor Hansen and all the OSBW’s where you got everybody moving… “Let’s Get Loud!” Love those pipes… 😉

Perfection DOES exist afterall.

It’s called Lynn Rose’s blog.

I was choked up reading your beautiful prose, Lynn. You are such a fountain of positive energy and exuberance and beauty, I’m thrilled for you that the fountain is finally unplugged and gushing forth with your words, words as beautiful as your songs.

I’m even more thrilled for the people who will be reading them.

Now, if you want to hear a real coincidence, I’ve been tweaking my website today (finally) and am posting my first blog on WordPress too (finally)!

You are such an inspiration, Lynn. God bless you, and may everything you write bring everflowing joy to the reader and to you.


Hello Lynn,
It is so wonderful to hear from you. It is wonderful to hear your soul express itself so honestly. I am sure many of us at one time or another could sign our name at the bottom of that and change a few words around and it would apply just the same.

There is a magnificant timing that always presents itself appropriately. I am certain this was the right time for you to begin because I am certain there were great lessons learned to get to this point.

As we teach with our Life Dance, once you learn the lesson in one aspect of your life it tends to translate to numerous others simultaneously. Be ready for this amazing transition of greatness that Alberto and I have seen, felt and heard from you since the day we met you. You are an amazing and talented woman with a beautiful spirit.

We just opened our Life Dance International Training Center in Orlando after feeling the tug and urges for many years. I can only say it is “the right time”. Whenever you are in Orlando let us know so we can plan something with you and feature you. We would be honored to do so.

Love from Selena, Alberto, Alejandro, Elena and Emilio


Great post. A real motivator to me at this time in my life where I have felt stagnated. It’s time to move on to the next stage, to make commitments and stick with them instead of leaving all the doors to every option open and not entering one. It’s like the old TV game show “Let’s Make a Deal”. The contestant can only chose to open one door and once the choice is made move on, for better or worse. In my case I have done the research for each option so at least I know the beginnings of what’s inside each door, but I can only enter one and move on. Decision time is here, then let the action begin! Thanks for your encouraging words and example.


Hi Lynn:

It is always good news! to hear that someone has inproved their life.

Some times in life you realize who am i carring those brcks around for? all i have to do is set them down and away you go.

Your Inner Wealyh Friend, Dan

I”m so happy for you my friend.

Thank you for sharing.

I totally resonate with your experience.

Always Love All Ways,

Hey Lynn –
Congrats on answering something that’s been calling from inside of you for quite some time. I am just starting my own blog and webiste and know that resistance can show it’s face as a loving reminder of something that we need to push through.

I salute you for moving through the resistance into recreation! Love it. Keep it up.

To Your Greatness,

B Joy

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  • Pam Beall: Thank you, Lynn, for taking time to share your thoughts. I love you dog, too, and I'm grateful for my American Eskimo who looks like she could be Cod
